lscpu (1)


lscpu - display information on CPU architecture


lscpu [-hpx] [-s directory]


lscpu gathers CPU architecture information like number of CPUs, threads, cores, sockets, NUMA nodes, information about CPU caches, CPU family, model, bogoMIPS, byte order and stepping from sysfs and /proc/cpuinfo, and prints it in a human-readable format. It supports both online and offline CPUs. It can also print out in a parsable format, including how different caches are shared by different CPUs, which can be fed to other programs.


-h, --help
Print a help message.
-p, --parse [=list]
Print out in parsable instead of human-readable format.

If the list argument is not given then the default backwardly compatible output is printed. The backwardly compatible format uses two commas to separate CPU cache columns. If no CPU caches are identified, then the cache columns are not printed at all.

The list argument is comma delimited list of the columns. Currently supported are CPU, Core, Node, Socket, Book and Cache columns. If the list argument is given then always all requested columns are printed in the defined order. The Cache columns are separated by ':'.

Note that the optional list argument cannot be separated from the option by a space, the correct form is for example '-p=cpu,node' or '--parse=cpu,node'.

-s, --sysroot directory
Use the specified directory as system root. This allows you to inspect a snapshot from a different system.
-x, --hex
Use hexadecimal masks for CPU sets (e.g. 0x3). The default is to print the sets in list format (e.g. 0,1).


The basic overview about CPU family, model, etc. is always based on the first CPU only.

Sometimes in Xen Dom0 the kernel reports wrong data.


Cai Qian <>
Karel Zak <>


The lscpu command is part of the util-linux package and is available from